Saturday, May 2, 2015

A moment

We all have those days when we feel like everything is great and we are a rock star mom, you know the kind you see on TV and think "I wish I could be her" and then you have a day when you think "I could so be a TV mom". Right? Okay maybe that's just me. 

Yesterday I picked up my kids from school while my husband slept off a graveyard shift and then went to get him his favorite dinner and cleaned kid throw up out of the back of my car and went on to get the kids some kid food because we had a baseball game to go to in 45 minutes and who can cook a meal for 6 in 45 minutes when its grocery day and you didn't have time to get groceries? Not me. Then I took my sick child out in a rain storm so we could be told that his game was rained out- which was sort of lucky since he didn't want to NOT play but would have thrown up on that diamond he loves so much!. Today I got up early, got the kids to soccer games, ran home to get a kid who caught the tummy bug home to be sick, got back to the field, watched two different soccer games, got lunch, handed out post game snacks and just when I was feeling amazing I realized that my oldest son missed his game. GREAT. Cue angry husband. 

Sometimes we have a great day, and then we drop the ball. But isn't that kind of the great thing about being a mom? You have all these people around you who are just as imperfect as you, except they still love you when you can't love yourself?